
Cheryl Rumley, RN, Founder and President, Apex Home Care

Cheryl Rumley’s life experiences and her passion as a caregiver began as the oldest of eight siblings. Cheryl’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39; she died at 41 when Cheryl was 15 years old.

Cheryl began her freshman year in high school as a caregiver for her dad and seven brothers and sisters. Completing her bachelor of science in nursing at Fitchburg State College in 1975, her nursing career included positions in neurology, pediatrics, obstetrics and pediatric and adult home care. She taught nursing as an adjunct professor at Becker College.

In 1999, Cheryl founded Apex Home Care. Her belief, that there is no single approach to any individual's needs, drives her agency’s philosophy of customized care today.

“When I meet a new family, I enjoy looking at their wedding and family pictures. By understanding the love and support surrounding each client, I open a conversation that helps us create an individualized plan of care for the loved one that needs in-home support.” - Apex Home Care Founder and President Cheryl Rumley, RN